Parters, sponsors, collaboration. Vladimir Ivannikov driver personal page

Energy corse

  Energy Corse, a company of great respect in the kart world, was founded in 1997, out of its foundation members’ passion and skill. The company took part in many national and international championships, thus providing for the development of its own chassis and accessories.  

TM engines

Vladimir is the factory driver of TM kart engines. The philosophy of TM is the attention to the quality of materials and workmanship, as well as the reliability and performance of the engines

Minardi managemet

Giovanni Minardi are helping to guide Vladimir through his professional career. Crafting and developing Vladimir to reach his goals in the motorsport world

Sportinphoto agency

Sportinphoto are present as official photographers in all events by WSK and ACI sport an Fia Karting. The photos used Vladimir’s social media authorship of Sportinphoto

   Bell helmets     

  Bell Racing Helmets is the world`s leading manufacturer of head protection designed for professional drivers competing in sport of auto racing  
